The Viola

The viola was arguably Wagner’s least favorite instrument. Wagner even went to the extent of having it replaced in the Bayreuthfestspielorchester. Here, we tell the tale of :

Wagner’s Beef with the Viola.

  • VIDEO: Wagner's Beef with the Viola

    The basics of Wagner’s Beef with the Viola. Why did Wagner dislike the viola and have it replaced at Bayreuth?

  • ESSAY: Wagner Contra Viola

    A more in-depth explanation of Wagner’s Beef with the Viola. Plus, the fate and legacy of Hermann Ritter and the Viola Alta.

  • MUSIC: Gesang und Tanz auf der Alm

    Ritter’s delightful compilation of Austrian folk music for Viola Alta and Zither, performed here on Viola and Piano - but with historically accurate garb.

